Importing lots of hydrogen over vast distances
Posted by Michael Liebreich in Energy storage 1 Comment»Thread for those who think we’re going to be importing lots of hydrogen over vast distances.
Shipping liquid hydrogen is not going to be a thing. To understand why, you need to understand that hydrogen is basically liquid, -253C escapey, explodey expanded polystyrene.
Here an LED line from . The measurements from OliNo show that the lamp emits a warm white (close to neutral white) light with a color temperature of 3205 K. The lamp consumes 9.0 W and has a luminous flux of 180 lm. This results in an efficacy of 20 lm/W. The lamps energy category label is G (2021).
This article shows the measurement results. Many parameters are also found in the eulumdat file.
See this overview for a comparison with other light bulbs.
Smart charging at home, and more
Posted by Harm Otten in Heating, Self Sustaining, Solar energy 37 Comments»Do you want to charge your electric car solar based, or when the electricity tariff is low? Do you want to turn on your central heating before you come home? This article describes how I realized it, and more, at low costs.
How effective is light on the circadian rhythm of humans? Use the CS.
Posted by Marcel van der Steen in Explanation 2 Comments»The circadian rhythm of humans is of importance for us; a.o, it takes care of our recovery. This rhythm can be influenced by the usage of light. The level of influence can be calculated by using a method developed by the Lighting Research Center (LRC), that uses the Circadian Stimulus value.
It’s 2025, and 800,000 tons of used high strength steel is coming up for auction.
The steel made up the Keystone XL pipeline, finally completed in 2019, two years after the project launched with great fanfare after approval by the Trump administration. The pipeline was built at a cost of about $7 billion, bringing oil from the Canadian tar sands to the US, with a pit stop in the town of Baker, Montana, to pick up US crude from the Bakken formation. At its peak, it carried over 500,000 barrels a day for processing at refineries in Texas and Louisiana.
The Compact Flicker Degree (CFD) parameter, a measure for the flickering of lamps
Posted by Marcel van der Steen in Explanation, Led lights No Comments»The light coming from (LED) lights can flicker. This effect is measured by OliNo for years already. The parameters given say something about the intensity variations and the frequency, but do not give a verdict. However Peter Erwin, aka Der Lichtpeter, has developed a parameter, called the Compact Flicker Degree (CFD), that analyses the flickering of lamps over a wide spectrum of frequencies and results in a value evaluating the flickering. Also it gives a color result like a traffic light. This article explains the parameter.
The five key Game Changers that are shaping the Energy Transition
Posted by Rembrandt Koppelaar in Books, Economics, Transport No Comments»The big shift from fossil fuels to renewable energy is so global and multi-faceted that unless you are an energy news junky it is difficult to keep track. An update on the latest developments is sorely needed and thus our book: The Tesla Revolution: Why Big Oil is Losing the Energy War, was borne, written by us, Rembrandt Koppelaar and Willem Middelkoop.
How Three Brand-New Power Plants in the Netherlands Are at Risk Already of Becoming Stranded Assets
Posted by Jeroen van Agt in Unsustainable 1 Comment»Coal-fired power generation is vulnerable everywhere to increasingly ambitious initiatives to cut carbon emissions.
This is acutely evident today in the Netherlands, where a recent court ruling and a parliamentary motion supporting tougher actions to avert climate change represent a growing trend.
This report assesses the impact of national pressures and beyond on the value of three new coal-fired power plants put into service in 2015 by the German energy companies RWE and Uniper, and the French energy company Engie.
More broadly, we note the implications from these examples for the business case for new-build coal power in Europe and further afield.
Realtime electricity production in Europe
Posted by Danny Steenhorst in Economics, Energy storage, Explanation 3 Comments»You can find in this article many links to the real-time production of electricity in country’s all over Europe. Every link contains a lot of information about prices and the kind of production of electricity.
R744 is the refrigerant name of Carbon Dioxide (CO2), and is a natural gas which is all around us. In fact, we cannot live without Carbon Dioxide! As with anything, adding too much CO2 to our environment, while the demand of the natural use from nature, is rapidly decreasing by cutting down forests, also for the use of fire wood and fuel pellets, is becoming rapidly a problem.
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