On electric adventure to Norway

Posted by Harm Otten in Transport No Comments»

Zoe rainbow Denmark[Klik hier voor de Nederlandse versie]
Two years ago it was the first time I went to Switzerland with my 100% electric Renault Zoe. 900km one way was a real challenge because back then there were no fast chargers. It made me happy if there was a semi-fast charger (22kW) on the route. This way I could not drive more than 350km per day. The next year there were some fast chargers and it was possible to make an entire tour of almost 2400km through Switzerland.
This year I set the bar higher, and the outward journey is already 2000km! Now I will mostly use fast chargers, and cover 550km per day. Seven different charge cards or phone Apps have been arranged. Hopefully they all will work, because I wasn’t able to test most of them. Furthermore, I will not use ferries on this trip, but drive entirely over bridges in Denmark and Sweden to Geiranger (Norway), where among other things I will attend the 20th anniversary of the Norwegian electric car association.

Costs of the electric car

Posted by Joost van den Bulk in Transport 11 Comments»

detroit-electric-eceDuring the past decade the attention for electric cars increased significantly. Israel, Denmark, Portugal and America (California) are examples of countries where electric cars will be implemented on a large scale and where a charging infrastructure for these cars will be realised. The necessary battery technology is developing rapidly which stimulates large and small car manufacturers to develop a production line for electric cars. Considering the current developments it is interesting to analyse the costs and benefits of electric cars compared to cars with a combustion engine.