New: OliNo Energías Renovables

Posted by Jeroen van Agt in OliNo 1 Comment»

As of today, the OliNo website is now available in Spanish: OliNo Energías Renovables. Behind the scenes,  we have have been busy to setup a complete new Spanish OliNo website and translate the first articles.

New Website

The new Spanish OliNo website has the well known logo of OliNo. We have been translating the most popular articles into Spanish.  In the coming period,  more Spanish articles will be added. These will be translated articles from this English OliNo website and new articles from our Spanish contributors.

OliNo Energías Renovables

The URL of the Spanish OliNo website:

The new Spanish OliNo website is also available by clicking on the language button switch top right on the page.

Switch to Spanish Olino Website

Visitor Numbers Continue to Grow

Currently the English and Dutch OliNo website together have more than 60,000 vistors a month and are still growing. We have also high expectations for the Spanish OliNo website.  With all the good ideas on renewable energy from the English and Dutch communities,  we expect to inspire a lot of Spanish speaking people.

Overview of Visitors on the English Olino Website

Exchanging Ideas

We hope that with the 3 OliNo websites (US, NL and now also ES) we can exchange renewable energy ideas and inspire each other.  Knowledge from one country can be applied in others. This is a great opportunity to learn and help each other to archieve a 100% sustainable world.


From now on all new English measurement articles will also be translated into Spanish and published in the Spanish measurements overview (Mediciones de luz). This ensures that a larger community has access to the real performance of energy saving lamps. For more information see our services page.


We try to translate all relevant English articles into Spanish. We are also busy translating interesting Dutch articles into English and Spanish. On the Dutch OliNo website we currently have 905 articles, on the English OliNo website we have 474 articles (on this time of writing). The Spanish OliNo website has now 19 articles. In the future we will also translate interesting Spanish articles back into English. As you can see, a lot of translation work needs to be done.

Therefore we are looking for people who would like to help us with the translations. We are looking for the following translators:

  • Dutch -> English
  • English -> Spanish

You can reach us by the following contact form.

Spanish Contributors

We are also looking for Spanish contributors. If you are, or know somebody who is, interested in writing about renewable energy or sustainability, please feel free to contact us.


Without the help of the many contribtors on OliNo we would have never been where we are today. With the move we have made today we are one step closer to reaching the goal of our mission:  creating a 100% sustainable world!

1 reply on “New: OliNo Energías Renovables”

OliNo Energías Renovables was founded in 2013 by a group of volunteers with the goal of improving their community around renewable energies. I can say that at and learn more new ways for construction design. A year later, OliNo began its education programs after seeing a lack of information on how to acquire and install solar panels, wind turbines, and other renewable equipment.

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