Building my own Solar Panel

Posted by Chris van der Zwaal in Solar energy 171 Comments»

img_2989-547-x-410Because I think that the price of a solar panel is still pretty high(in Europe), and because the stimulation from our government (in the Netherlands) is not so good (very,very complicated and time consuming) I started the project of building my own solar panel. I would like to invite anyone who has some experience with this or is interested in it ,to give me any advice or remarks about it. The main challenge is to build a panel that can withstand heat, cold, rain and hail for many years.

The major ‘upgrade’: from 570 Wp towards 1.710 Wp

Posted by Niels in Solar energy No Comments»

One year after using my first (small) set of solar panels, and many moments of measuring (weekly), the blue PV-virus took a grip on my life 😉 Combined with possibility (both financially as physically) to place more panels on the flat roof, the urge to use this space began to grow….
See and read here in this article where I upgrade a small-size (570Wp) installation toward a ‘slightly’ larger one (1.710Wp).


Payback period of a PV system

Posted by Jeroen van Agt in Solar energy 1 Comment»

Grafiek besparing PV systeemWith the rising oil prices having an impact on the electricity price it would be interesting to see what the payback period is for a Photovoltaics (PV) system. The result, even for individuals without subsidy it is already interesting to invest in a PV system. A PV system will payback itself way before its guaranteed lifetime and its long-term savings in electricity costs can be 7 times as high as the investment cost (based on Dutch prices). For my own PV system of 2500 Wp, I would have a net cost saving of more than € 68,000 on electricity costs after 25 years.