New Twitter feature: meta-tracking

Posted by Jeroen van Agt in OliNo No Comments»

twitter-logoWe use Twitter te promote interesting news about renewable energy. The more I used Twitter, the more I see some limitations of the system. That may change now; Introducing a new Twitter feature: meta-tracking.

Would it not be nice if Twitter would introduce an option to track how many times a certain message is re-tweeted, who was the original owner of the message, show the tags of the message and a readable URL without the need to waste space in the content of the message for it.

A North American Energy Plan for 2030: Hydro-electricity the forgotten renewable energy resource

Posted by Neil Howes in Hydro energy No Comments»

hoover_dam_turbines_inside_plantWhile their are no shortages of plans for the US to reduce its reliance on oil imported from overseas or replace fossil fuels with renewable resources, their is little consideration of a continental plan for future economic growth in a fossil fuel constrained world.

The cost of wind, the price of wind, the value of wind

Posted by Jerome Guillet in Explanation, Wind energy 2 Comments»

001_total_wind_energy_costs_per_unit_of_electricityI’d like to try to clear some of the confusion that surrounds the economics of wind power, as it is often fed and used by the opponents of wind to dismiss it. As I noted recently, even the basic economics of energy markets are often willfully misunderstood by commentators, so it’s worth going in more detail

A vision on a sustainable electric society supported by Electric Vehicles and Solar Energy

Posted by Jan Heetebrij in Transport 6 Comments»

p8040075” A world in turmoil !” Energy dependence, geopolitical tensions, Peak Oil, climate and environment, CO2 emissions and fine particles, financial crisis, worldwide money flows, new technologies, etc. are tumbling over eachother. It is very difficult to focus on the right selection of solutions and policy directions. Vested parties with vested interests simultaneously try to vigorlously defend their position. The author of the attached article, managing partner of HeeCon Business Development reviewed in depth the energy aspects of a sustainable future. To his opinion the main solution is electrification of road transport and -traffic, combined with large scale as well as local solar- and wind energy generation. Proper use of the energy storage and grid support potential of the (PH)EV vehicle can further enhance the positive consequences of the suggested solutions”.

San Gorgonio Pass wind farm

Posted by Dirk-Jan de Wilde in Wind energy 3 Comments»

Dear readers and visitors of the website, I would like to share another part of my experience as a Dutch visitor, when I was travelling in the warm and deep South of the USA during October until January of 2009. In January I was riding on interstate highway 10 between Whitewater (CA) and North Palm Springs (CA) I passed a windmill farm: a beautiful sight with a large number of propellors forming a visual show in the sky. I did a little investigation about numbers and megawatts.

A North American Wind Energy Scenario

Posted by Neil Howes in Wind energy No Comments»

northamericaWould a “50% of electricity generated by wind scenario” work in North America by 2030? In this post, I make a rough cut estimate of what might be required to make such a transition in about 20 years time.

Most proposals that are being made rely on a very big increase in carbon free energy, both to charge electric vehicles (EV’s) and to replace oil and natural gas (NG) presently used for hot water and space heating. In this post, I lay out a path by which 50% of North American energy might come from wind by 2030, including replacement of a large share of oil and natural gas use by electricity.