Building my own Solar Panel

Posted by Chris van der Zwaal in Solar energy 171 Comments»

img_2989-547-x-410Because I think that the price of a solar panel is still pretty high(in Europe), and because the stimulation from our government (in the Netherlands) is not so good (very,very complicated and time consuming) I started the project of building my own solar panel. I would like to invite anyone who has some experience with this or is interested in it ,to give me any advice or remarks about it. The main challenge is to build a panel that can withstand heat, cold, rain and hail for many years.

Costs of the electric car

Posted by Joost van den Bulk in Transport 12 Comments»

detroit-electric-eceDuring the past decade the attention for electric cars increased significantly. Israel, Denmark, Portugal and America (California) are examples of countries where electric cars will be implemented on a large scale and where a charging infrastructure for these cars will be realised. The necessary battery technology is developing rapidly which stimulates large and small car manufacturers to develop a production line for electric cars. Considering the current developments it is interesting to analyse the costs and benefits of electric cars compared to cars with a combustion engine.

Welcome to the new OliNo server

Posted by Jeroen van Agt in OliNo No Comments»

Welcome to the new OliNo server in the computer cloud of Amazon. As you can see, the migration was successfull. With this improvement, see also the article OliNo in the cloud we have made a huge step forwards.

I hereby would like to thank everybody who has contributed to Without your help we could not have done this.


OliNo in the cloud

Posted by Jeroen van Agt in OliNo No Comments»

The growth of the number of visitors to our Dutch OliNo website, the launch of this international OliNo website and the continuous growth of the number of articles on the OliNo website is causing performance problems with our current web-server. As a result, loading web pages from the website take some time way too long. Something needs to be done.

We have made a decision that we are going to put OliNo into the cloud. Insiders know this as Cloud Computing. This will result in better performance (read faster website), higher availability of the data and last but not least, a green hosting solution. The migration will happen this weekend (20 December 2008).

Test results small wind turbines

Posted by Jeroen van Agt in Wind energy 24 Comments»

Small wind turbines are turbines with a maximum blade-height of 49 feet (15 meter) and generate relative low power. Their purpose is to use them in urban areas, but can be placed in any location. They claim to (partially) provide power for peoples own household.

Little is known about the real performance of these small wind turbines. So 4 Dutch groups decided to start a project to test these small wind-turbines. Recently the first test results were published on the internet. After some calculations by OliNo we got some interesting results. The results show that a photovoltaic (PV) system is more cost effective than the best performing small wind turbine….