The Scenarios for the Future on Wind Energy in the World.

Posted by Jeroen van Agt in Wind energy 2 Comments»

The worldwide market for wind energy has been growing faster than any other form of durable energy. Its installed power grew from only 4,800 MW in 1995 to 59,000 MW at the end of 2005. That is an increase of more than 1200 % in ten years. In the mean time, there are three scenarios worked out about how we can further expand wind energy and what benefits this will bring.

The results are impressive. In the expanding scenario we could deliver 34 % of our electricity with the help of wind energy by 2050. The cost price of wind energy could drop to 3 cents / kWh, the amount of jobs in wind energy will result in a growth of 2.1 million and the CO2 emissions decrease by 3,100 million tons…

wind turbines

Theft protection of your bicycle

Posted by Jeroen van Agt in Transport 5 Comments»

In these days, it is not easy to prevent theft of your green transport medium (i.e. bicycle, etc). That’s why I have some tips on how to prevent or at least significantly reduce the chance that your bicycle will be stolen. I have used this method for years now with much success. Please be prepared to be flexible with aestetics….

Note that this article was originally written for Dutch people, who all have at least one bicycle which they use for transportation purposes. This is not the case for many other countries. But the approach explained here can be applied to other items too.   

De opgespoten fiets

Electricity Storage in The Netherlands

Posted by Marcel van der Steen in Energy storage 3 Comments»

Is it available? Or can it be created? The Dutch program “Nieuwe Energie Onderzoek” of Senternovem gave the Utrecht Center for Energy Research the task to find out. Their final report researches whether electricity storage can be of support for a durable energy generation. Considered are three applicational areas:

  1. grid coupled storage systems
  2. autonomous storage systems
  3. electricity storage in transport media


Has the supercapacitor been invented?

Posted by Marcel van der Steen in Energy saving, Energy storage 4 Comments»

A company in Austin (Texas), named EEStor, will soon have developed a super capacitor that is close to production. This super capacitor with a weight of 180 kg (396 lbs) and would be able to store 52 kWh of energy. This energy is usable for many purposes: for example, electric automobiles, but also to be used to store and release on command the fluctuating energy coming from wind turbines or PV solar cells. This latter would improve the availability of solar-energy, wind-energy and other intermittent sources of energy on demand, which will increase the usefulness of these sources enormously. It could then lead to a situation where we do not need fossil fuels anymore for our energy production.
Plaatje van supercondensator

Payback period of a PV system

Posted by Jeroen van Agt in Solar energy 1 Comment»

Grafiek besparing PV systeemWith the rising oil prices having an impact on the electricity price it would be interesting to see what the payback period is for a Photovoltaics (PV) system. The result, even for individuals without subsidy it is already interesting to invest in a PV system. A PV system will payback itself way before its guaranteed lifetime and its long-term savings in electricity costs can be 7 times as high as the investment cost (based on Dutch prices). For my own PV system of 2500 Wp, I would have a net cost saving of more than € 68,000 on electricity costs after 25 years.