Lemnis has had measured 5 lamps of Pharox III in endurance test. This article gives the results.
This lamp has been measured before it went into life test.
Non-visual effects of ocular light on human beings – The biological factors
Posted by Marcel van der Steen in Explanation 2 Comments»This article explains a bit about the biological effects of light on human beings. It appears that next to rod and cones there are other cells sensitive to a certain part of the light spectrum and that influences our daily rhythm (circadian cycle); this is the cycle of sleep and being awake, where a hormone like melatonin plays an important role.
The spectrum of the light enables to compute the biological effect that it can provoke, amongst others in (1) the suppression of melatonin in the night and in (2) shifting the circadian phase. I used the vornorm DIN V 5031-100:2009-06 as the basis of the computation of several interesing parameters coming from the light spectrum.
Emissions-Free Transport: Containers and the Stevelduct
Posted by Aad van den Ende in Transport 11 Comments»A Dilemma of Economic Growt: How can economic growth in the area of transportation be managed in a manner consistent with the moderation or reduction in the rate of climate change? After all, it is a given that economic growth will require a greater capacity to transport and an intensification in the use of existing infrastructure. With transportation options currently available, it does not appear to be feasible to make progress on the emissions front merely by making greater use of the infrastructure now in place. Unless real alternatives are developed, this state of affairs will continue far into the future. Apparently an insoluble dilemma. The STEVELDUCT offers a solution: it is an emissions free form of container transportation. Given universal standardization as regards containers, it also lends itself to innovation world wide.
Environmental Harm of Hidden Subsidies: Global Warming and Acidification
Posted by Jeroen Van Den Bergh in Government No Comments»In debates on environmental policy the complementary need for removing environmentally harmful subsidies has received little attention. Such subsidies typically increase the size and pollution intensity of economic activities, often without clear, compensating social benefits. The environmental impact of direct or on-budget subsidies has been well recognized. Indirect or off-budget subsidies, not visible in government budgets, are at least as important. Research on this topic is scarce. We report findings on greenhouse gas (GHG) and acidifying emissions arising from off-budget subsidies in the Netherlands and show that particularly subsidies in agriculture, energy and transport contribute importantly to GHG emissions. Effective climate policy therefore needs to consider removal of off-budget subsidies.
As of today, the OliNo website is now available in Spanish: OliNo Energías Renovables. Behind the scenes, we have have been busy to setup a complete new Spanish OliNo website and translate the first articles.
‘In Transition’ is the first detailed film about the Transition movement filmed by those that know it best, those who are making it happen on the ground. The Transition movement is about communities around the world responding to peak oil and climate change with creativity, imagination and humour, and setting about rebuilding their local economies and communities. It is positive, solutions focused, viral and fun.
No fuel. Wind power has unique characteristics: it has zero fuel price risk, zero fuel costs and extremely low operation and maintenance costs. In addition, wind power provides total protection and zero risk from carbon costs, and zero geo-political risk associated with supply and infrastructure constraints or political dependence on other countries. Wind power has no resource constraints; the fuel is free and endless. Unlike conventional fuels, wind energy is a massive indigenous power source permanently available. Wind power stations can be constructed and deliver power far quicker than conventional sources. Here is an inspiring video.
Using a Ground Source Heat Pump System in China
Posted by Yuchen Zhang in Energy saving, Heating 1 Comment»In March of 2009, I bought a house in my hometown – Jiaxing, which is in China. Jiaxing is located on the southeast coast line of China, 120 km from Shanghai. The house I bought has an interior area of 250 m2 with 3 floors and a basement. It also comes with a garden of 55 m2. With this house, I found an opportunity to try out a Ground Source Heat Pump system. For years I have been looking at the development of new trendy technologies. Now I am especially interested in new and renewable energies. By attempting to install such a Ground Source Heat Pump system in home, my intention is to use the ground heat for basic heating, cooling and providing all of the warm water needed for living in my home.
Practical measurements on a 12V DC dimmer used by OliNo
Posted by Marcel van der Steen in Explanation, Lamps No Comments»When OliNo measures lamps working on 12 V DC and these lamps are dimmable, then it as a 12 V DC dimmer available to use.
This dimmer is put between the 12 V DC power supply output and the lamp itself.
It appears that this dimmer uses a pulse width modulation (PWM) to switch the voltage to the lamp between a high level and a low level; this at a speed invisible to the human eye. It is a very efficient way to adjust the average level of the voltage that is output to the lamp.
This article gives a number of measurements on the output of the dimmer to show what the dimmer does with the voltage to the lamp.
On 27 January 1998 the commission issued a directive that requires energy labels for household lamps.
In this article the main items from the directive are mentioned and the energy label itself is shown. OliNo will add these into the new lamp measurement articles.
On request this label can be added to already existing articles at a small cost.
Update 9 Nov 2010: on request a graph is added that indicates the performance of the lamp in a Lumen-Watt field. This is a visual indication of in what classification the lamp falls and how well within that classification it is positioned.
Update 11 May 2013: an update has been done on the labels, see also this article.
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