The opening of OliNo Renewable Energy

Posted by Jeroen van Agt in OliNo 1 Comment»

This is the first post on the renewable energy site OliNo (English version). This is the next step after introducing the very successful Dutch OliNo website two years ago. The Dutch website has more than 25.000 of visitors per month and we are very proud of this. We now want to give access to this wealth of renewable energy information to a lot more people by starting an English version of the site… 

The original Dutch version of the site.

During the last two years we often got requests when the renewable energy information on OliNo will be available in English so more people can get access to it. The answer is now! We are currently translating all the hundreds of articles from the Dutch to English OliNo website. This may take a while. We plan to add several articles a week. For the post we will use the original Dutch post date so in the beginning it will look a little bit silly due fact you get the impression we post in the future, so don’t be worried it is in the past  :-).

It still make sense to post these older articles because we always have focussed on the background information regarding renewable energy and less on the short-lived renewable energy news. So this information is not outdated, even more the information is more applicable every day.

So come back on a daily basis and check if there are new renewable energy articles which you like. 

We also offer people the opportunity to share their own story about renewable energy. If you want to contribute, just send us an email to blog at olino dot org.

You can also contribute by starting interesting discussions, add interesting information, we need your help to start a thriving renewable energy community. 

Stay tuned, this will be a very interesting year!


1 reply on “The opening of OliNo Renewable Energy”

As I said before, I am one of the people who requested your site be in English and I am happy to see it thus. Thank you.

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