Jul 09
When I started using High power LED spotlights I have found out that the light of some LED lights where not as warm as advertised. Another problem is that these LED spotlights can start melting when you do not use the right transformer…
Jul 06
Success with Compact Fluorescent Lamp bulbs
Posted by Jeroen van Agt in CFL Light Bulbs, Energy saving 1 Comment»When applying any type of lighting it is important that the lamps used will give a warm light for a good atmosphere in the house. This is especially true when using Compact Fluorescent Lamp (CFL) bulbs because they are known for their cold light. You can solve this by selecting the right luminaries…
Jul 02
Saving 300 kWh annually using a rotary clothes line
Posted by Jeroen van Agt in Energy saving, Solar energy 1 Comment»An example how to save a lot of energy with a small investment….
Jun 25
From 13000 kWh to 1400 kWh, saving € 2320 per year….
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