Overhead Cable-Free Trams

Posted by Jan Rutz in Transport 19 Comments»

primove_9txyk_69Trams all over the world could soon be operating without the eyesore of overhead cables according to Bombardier, the world’s leading supplier of trams. Primove, Bombardier’s new tram system, uses induction technology for the transfer of electric power. This contact-less technology is five to six percent more efficient than other technologies in current use, says Bombardier. Amsterdam council has already shown serious interest

Wind Energy: The Sky is the Limit

Posted by Bart Ummels in Wind energy 6 Comments»

burbo‘The large-scale integration of wind energy in our electricity supply is technically very well feasible. The existing power system is able to cope at any time in the future with variations in demand for electricity and supply of wind power, as long as use is made of up-to-date wind forecasts. Furthermore, no facilities for energy storage need to be developed.’ These are the most important conclusions of my Ph.D. thesis, which I have successfully defended at Delft University of Technology. Below I will explain in ten minutes of reading time how I have arrived at these conclusions after four years of Ph.D. research.

Surviving the Slashdot effect

Posted by Jeroen van Agt in OliNo 5 Comments»

response-tijd-olino-us-200903201On Friday, March 20, our Renewable Energy website OliNo was hit by the Slashdot effect. The cause was the story Building Your Own Solar Panel In the Garage posted on Slashdot, linking back to this OliNo site. The impact was huge. During the Slashdot effect, we received more than 27,000 visitors in a single day. This is a detailed analysis of the Slashdot effect and actions we can take to survive the next hit.