CO2 as solution for heating, not as a problem

Posted by Tinus de Vreugd in Energy saving 1 Comment»

CO2 HeatpumpR744 is the refrigerant name of Carbon Dioxide (CO2), and is a natural gas which is all around us. In fact, we cannot live without Carbon Dioxide! As with anything, adding too much CO2 to our environment, while the demand of the natural use from nature, is rapidly decreasing by cutting down forests, also for the use of fire wood and fuel pellets, is becoming rapidly a problem.

Solarzellenpaneele oder Sonnenkollektoren?

Posted by Marcel van der Steen in Energy saving, Explanation, Solar energy No Comments»

20140626_131259_artikelIn diesem Artikel erkläre ich wie ich eine Wahl getroffen habe zwischen Solarzellenpaneele (oder kürzer Solarpaneele, bringen elektrische Energie) und Sonnenkollektoren (bringen Wärme-energie).  Ich habe schön eine Wärmepumpe (Nutzung der Erdwärme mittels Wasser) und vielen raten mir an Sonnenkollektoren zu verwenden, damit die warmes Wasser machen wenn es viel Sonne gibt. Das Pufferfass wird so extra aufgewärmt durch warmes Wasser von den Kollektoren damit die Wärmepumpe keine (elektrische) Energie anwenden muss für Heizung. Dazu kommt noch dass für die Heizung warmes Wasser eine Wärmepumpe ein niedrigeres Leistungszahl hat weil die Temperatur des Wassers hoch sein muss (45 – 50 Grad).

Dieser Artikel macht einen Energie- und Kostenvergleich zwischen beide Forme von Energieerzeugung.

Changes in LEED Standards Receive Negative Feedback

Posted by Sam Marquit in Energy saving No Comments»

The General Services Administration (GSA) is looking at adopting new, stricter standards for their Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) program, a system that gives businesses rewards for adhering to green practices in building design. Most people who want to build a world with better environmental standards would see this as a logical step forward, making progress towards a cleaner world. Unfortunately, certain industries, such as those that sell plastics, vinyl and chemical products are attempting to block the new set of standards.

Is Going More Efficient Enough?

Posted by Peter van der Wilt in Energy saving 1 Comment»

Appliances and other electronic equipment are getting more efficient, policy makers are pleased. But is that justified, are we heading in the right direction? Or are we deluding ourselves? According to the IEA (International Energy Association), more than 50% of the targeted reduction in CO2 emissions required to reach international climate goals of 2030 must come from energie conservation. Politicians at the Dutch and European level have been working on this issue for a long time, but the total energy consumption of European households has only increased in the period from 1990 to the present.

LED, a hype with prospects for museum purposes?

Posted by Sjoukje Kerman in Energy saving, Led lights 5 Comments»

There lies a collective awareness on the urgency in getting involved with and influencing current environmental issues and climate change in today’s society. This phenomenon is known by the general public as: Greening. It is important, for museums to participate in this occurrence any way possible. To be able to sustain the quality and quantity of our cultural heritage, museums must take matters into their own hands. Visitors (and sponsors) will start demanding it from them. But the real reason museums should start Greening their museums has less to do with a demand from the outside world and far more to do with two essential aspects: an ethical and a financial essence of sufficient and sustainable museum management practice.

Using a Ground Source Heat Pump System in China

Posted by Yuchen Zhang in Energy saving, Heating 1 Comment»

In March of 2009,  I bought a house in my hometown – Jiaxing, which is in China.  Jiaxing is located on the southeast coast line of China,  120 km  from Shanghai. The house I bought has an interior area of 250 m2 with 3 floors and a basement.  It also comes with a garden of  55 m2.  With this house,  I found an opportunity to try out a Ground Source Heat Pump system. For years I have been looking at the development of new trendy technologies.  Now I am especially interested in new and renewable energies.  By attempting to install such a Ground Source Heat Pump system in home,  my intention is to use the ground heat for basic heating, cooling and providing all of the warm water needed for living in my home.